For each cluster some of the information is linked on a dynamically created web page. There is some general information about the cluster, for example, the representative clones (which are linked to the RZPD Home Page where you can order them). You might also get the aligned and tagged sequences as a Staden Project (you have to install the Staden Package locally). Further there is information for each contig.
A contig might contain one or more known genes and one or more cDNA clones. The clones are sequenced from the end. An overview over the alignment is displayed. The sequences are linked to the EMBL entries. The known genes will be annotated and linked to GeneCards if possible.
Some further analysis of the sequence can be visualized: You can tag Repeat regions; display of open reading frames; further reads of clones within other clusters (clustering is only done by sequence overlap and not by annotation); sequence homologies to other clusters; sequence homologies to the SYSTERS protein families.